An Excellent And Economical Extraction Cleaner
For portable or truck mount jet extraction equipment.
A field tested formula of detergents, solubilizers and emulsifiers for effective removal of water and oil soluble soils. Contains Odor Bane™ deodorizer and defoamers. Buffered pH for minimizing browning and color loss when used according to directions. All-Purpose gives professional results on residential, commerical, and institutional carpets. Safe for all carpets.
The All-Purpose Liquid Jet Sol is an excellent and economical extraction cleaner. This product dilutes to 1-2 qt./5 gallon for a truck mount and 1-5 oz./5 gallon for a portable cleaner. The All-Purpose contains Certified's proprietary Odor-Bane for odor elimination and long-lasting freshness. This is a effective and safe product for all carpets including 5th generation. pH 8.5-9.5. Gallon